


Giving Back

GPCS Janitorial strongly believes in giving back to the community. We will give a monthly portion of all receipts to three charities; Hosea Feed the Hungry, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Catholic Community Charities.

When you hire GPCS Janitorial to do your cleaning, you will also be donating to these worthy charities.

Call (470) 782-9599 to help us keep helping our loved community!


Thank you,

Joy Cotterell



The Forgotten

How does one get to this stage? Unfortunately, this happens often with the elderly, the depressed and the forgotten. Please check on your love ones often. Don’t just call; visit them to make sure their environment is also sanitary and healthy. The environment plays a major part in your well being.


Peace & Blessings,

Joy Cotterell



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